
Psychology Of Kissing


   In wild nature kisses are rare occurrences, but they are not a wonder; swans, horses, dolphins, lions like to kiss too, but they do it on the other way, not as people.

  The only biological species which get enjoy from kissing and studying mouth of his partner, touching it with his lips is a person . There is reasonable question , why do people are so fond of kissing , especially when they are in love ?

  British scientists, who know the answers to all the mysteries of the world, explain it this way. In fact, the kiss has little to do with the state of being in love. Quite the contrary.A kiss is stimulation of the nerve endings of lips, which is produced by pheromones. Those, in turn, quietly accepted sense of smell and excite passion and sensuality.
Scilicet , we do not fall in love and then kiss , we are falling in love when we are kissing .

  Great expert in the world of sense psychology Sigmund Freud argued that love tokiss - the remnants of the oral period of psychosexual development rights. This period is characterized by sexual gratification through the mouth and lips and ends back in the deep childhood (to 3 years). However, the subconscious love for stimulation of the lips in a sensual world of human remains, which proves the pleasure of kissing.

  However, the biochemistry and physiology of origin account for only a kiss, but do not reflect its spiritual significance. Often, a kiss on the lips is much more emotional, sensual, romantic and tender than kissing in erogenous zones. Of course kissing in intimate places where more exciting, but the inner meaning kiss on the lips they can not convey.


   Sociological research in sensual relationships led to interesting conclusions. Most couples in which the relationship turn into a routine or are nearing completion, kissing disappear before sex. It turns out that kissing - that invisible thread, the bridge that connect the spiritual world of the people. It is no coincidence, "prostitutes" in all cultures do not kiss their partners on the lips. Value kiss sung in art: in music, literature and cinema.

   Kiss - it is a certain degree of communication, the transition to a unique level of communication that involve the emotions. Often, people find their own half, not least on the basis of their own experience of kissing on the lips. Teens already know that kiss - this is important, but the ability to kiss well - very valuable. Also, almost everyone anxiously keeps the memory of her first kiss.

   There are many different techniques of kissing. But no amount of technology will not give important - sincerity. This is the main criterion for a kiss. Sincere kiss can not be forged, to recreate, as each individual a kiss - a unique, unique, expressing something of their own, intimate, deeply intimate.

   I should add that in addition to positive emotions, elevated mood, a good general state of health is much good kiss purely healthcare. Thus, it is seen that kissing helps maintain the skin in good condition, so they reduce the appearance of wrinkles. More than 30 facial muscles involved in the kiss, beneficial effects on the skin: it is elastic and smooth. A kiss in the body produces a large amount of adrenaline, which activates all the organs of the body. Increased heart rate (150 beats per minute), blood circulation is increased, resulting in the body's cells significantly enriched with oxygen. A kiss, organisms exchange saliva, which contains the required antibiotics. Thus, the relatively stronger immunity and overall health. Kiss is able to reduce pain: while kissing produces endorphins - the hormone that has analgesic properties.

   From all the above we can conclude - love each other deeply and kiss from the heart!